An Education project that has been particularly successful over the past season is our Ambassador Assemblies. Ambassador Assemblies is a project funded by Sport England in partnership with the British Basketball League, that allows us to take both our men’s and women’s professional players into schools to deliver to assemblies on their journeys to where they are today, and the importance of sport and education, since all the players are university graduates. Due to the programme being funded by Sport England, it is free for the schools to book and is a great opportunity to get their students to engage with our players.
In each assembly the player talks about their path to professional basketball as well as key characteristics such as respect, resilience and teamwork that can be applied to life both on and off the court and also in school. So far this season we have delivered 87 Ambassador Assemblies to 10,216 school children.
Our ambassador assemblies are free of charge so also provide an excellent way to get into schools to showcase what the Leicester Riders Foundation has to offer in schools. The assemblies have led to us providing in school coaching in 11 schools that we did not previously engage with.
“It was really interesting to hear about the pathway to becoming a professional basketball player during our Ambassador Assembly with the Leicester Riders Foundation. The children were really engaged and had great questions about Mo’s experience. – Maxine Michalowski, Headteacher at Heather Primary School.
For more information on our school packages or to book an Ambassador Assembly for your school email darren@riders.basketball.