It has been an odd season thus far to say the least, and as the lockdown and uncertainty continues we wanted to find a way to connect with you on a more personal level. Speaking on behalf of the entire team, I would like to say that we miss the regular interaction dearly (although it is nice to see your lovely faces up on the fan wall!). To supplement this I would like to take some time each week to fill you in on some of the “behind the scenes” action!
As you know, we lost a heart-breaker on Thursday down in London. While our Trophy aspirations are lost, it was a fantastic battle until the end. It was great to catch up with some of the familiar faces that have been around the Riders program since I’ve been here. I was able to catch up with Fahro on the freethrow line. Jordan Spencer was heckling me from the sideline while I sank the free throws late in the game to put us up two. And who else but JWH to put the dagger in our hearts?!
While it was a tough pill to swallow, I am proud of our team’s resilience and determination heading up to Sheffield on Sunday night. Sheffield is never an easy place to play, or an easy team to play, as they are tough and disciplined. But, we got the job done!
While the trip was fairly uneventful, the game proved exciting. Willy Lee had two crazy dunks… although I am still not sure how he managed to spin the basket 45 degrees, and I barely shook the thing! And, not to rub it in, but the camera angle doesn’t do Conner’s lob pass to him justice… the pass was at the corner of the backboard — and he STILL managed to flush it with authority! I think Will might be from another planet. Still running some tests. I will get you guys the results as soon as I have them back.
In the end, we have advanced to 11-1 in the league standings, and we look to expand on that this Wednesday against Newcastle. I will be sure to note more happenings to report to you all next week.
As always, thank you so much for the never-ending support! Hopefully, we will be able to catch up in person soon. Stay safe! And as always, Go Riders!
All the best,
Your Captain, Darien Nelson-Henry