Over the past year the Leicester Riders Foundation have collaborated with North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire College (NWSLC) to provide a number of opportunities for students within the Foundation Studies department including basketball sessions, a podcast workshop and an NCS programme.
Initially the partnership started when we delivered the Mencap Around The World project at the college in 2021. The project involved 10 weeks sessions aimed at developing the young people’s teamwork and communication through the sport of basketball.
“It was great to learn basketball skills this year and helping me get fitter. It was fun to record a podcast and be interviewed, it’s something I’d like to try again in the future maybe” – George, Lifeworks Student.
“I really enjoyed all of the basketball sessions and learning how to shoot. Greg took lots of time to show us how it all works, and it was great to play some games at the end. I also really enjoyed being on a podcast and talking about things I’m interested in, really helped us.” – Charlotte, Lifeworks Student.
In September 2022 we welcomed Reece, a supported intern from NWSLC to the Foundation for a 9 month internship. Throughout his internship Reece was able to experience working in a number of new environments such as our office, schools and out in the community. Reece has also built up new relationships with our staff, players and other members of the community which has helped him to develop key skills which he will be able to transfer into further employment. During his time with the Leicester Riders Foundation Reece became a valued member of our staff team, joining the rest of our staff in taking part in our Corporate Summer League in June which was his first experience of playing competitive basketball.
As well as delivering our basketball sessions and hosting a supportive intern from NWSLC we also hosted a podcast workshop for the students. Greg Ellis the Foundation’s Education & Community Officer hosts the Leicester Riders’ Podcast, Along For The Ride and spent a morning at the college in April passing on his knowledge to the students. As well as learning about recording a podcast the workshop brought the students out of their comfort zone and allowed them to work on their confidence and public speaking.
“The partnership with Leicester Riders has enabled our students to re-engage with sport in a supportive environment, learning a new sport in basketball and allowing them the space to get active, whilst also developing vital teamwork and leadership skills. It’s also been a great experience for them to record a podcast with Greg Ellis and develop new skills alongside developing in confidence. All of these experiences have taken their student experience to the next level.” – Rhien Shephard, Lifeworks Lecturer NWSLC.
On top of the Mencap Around the World Project and Podcast workshop we have also delivered a bespoke NCS programme for the students. The project has helped offer students access to a number of activities that they otherwise wouldn’t have exposure to.
Over the course of the programme the students have taken part in activities such as abseiling, archery, rifle shooting and fencing and they also helped picking apples and planting onions at an allotment in Leicester.
All students were given individual targets, though the NCS programme to develop teamwork amongst the group, as well as aiming to help their mental health and confidence, and giving them a sense of achievement.
We look forward to work with NWSLC next academic year and continuing to provide unique learning experiences for their students.