A tribute: Christine Gleadell

With great sadness we announced earlier today on social-media the passing of an incredible woman, Christine Gleadell.

Chris was selfless. An integral part of our basketball club and a Riders mum to so many players and staff over the years. She will be sorely missed.

Christine has played a pivotal role in the Riders family for many seasons being a founder member of the supporters club and in recent times running and looking after our Field House facility, which enabled so many youngsters into our pathway.

The Riders wished to share these words…

Head Coach Rob Paternostro:

“It’s a very sad time. Our thoughts go out to Phil, Laura, Clare and the rest of the family.” 

“Chris was an incredible person. She was a wonderful friend to so many of us, and was instrumental in our success both on and off the court.”

“She worked tirelessly for our club and was willing to help out in whatever way needed, but what stands out for me is how she made this place feel like home for so many of us that were far away from our loved ones . We will miss her so much.” 

Managing Director Russell Levenston:

“Christine was one of a kind and I’m going to miss her so much. We shared some great times whether our long conversations putting the world to right or having some fun going for dinner!”

“Chris did so much for me personally. Her support and advice in my early years with the Riders was invaluable. “

“Chris and Phil have helped so many people in the club whether it staff, academy players or the pro players. The Riders Family just won’t be the same.”

“I know how much everyone will be hurting right now to have lost such a great person from our lives but her legacy will live on through all of us.”

Our thoughts as a club and wider Riders family are with Phil, Laura & Clare, and family. Rest in Peace Christine.